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IRCC Designates New Body for Credential Assessments for architects interested in immigrating to Canada.

IRCC Approves New Organization for Architect Credential Assessments in Canada

A new professional organization has been approved by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to provide educational credential assessments (ECAs) to architects who wish to immigrate to Canada.

Eligibility Requirements for Economic Permanent Residence

Applications for programs leading to economic permanent residence must show that their foreign degrees, diplomas, or certificates are genuine and equal to credentials from Canada in order to meet eligibility requirements. To accomplish this, applicants must get an ECA from a professional body or multi-purpose ECA organization that has been designated by the IRCC.

Authorization of the Canadian Architectural Certification Board

The Minister has assigned the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) the authority to grant ECAs as of May 20, 2024, to applicants who have indicated that their major or intended vocation is the National Occupational Classification (NOC) of “Architect” (NOC 21200). The CACB’s ECAs will establish how international degrees relate to Canadian qualifications required for architectural practice. Moreover, ECAs are acknowledged as a stage in the architect licensure procedure.

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