Tag Archives: canada visa news

A New Humanitarian Pathway to PR for Colombian, Haitian, and Venezuelan Nationals to Canada

Immigration Canada (IRCC) Minister Marc Miller announced on Friday that applications for a new humanitarian pathway to permanent residence are now open for certain citizens of the Americas. This instruction is specifically directed towards migrants who are foreign nationals from Colombia, Haiti, and Venezuela.

In this context, the rise in irregular migration has led to an increase in migrant smuggling, physical insecurity, and exploitation of those who cross through the region in question.

The program’s qualification requirements state that the principal applicant must have one of the following relationships to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who agrees to support them and their family members as an anchor for a year:

  1. child(regardless of age)
  2. grandchild
  3. Spouse
  4. Parents
  5. Grandparents
  6. Siblings

Pre-arrival services, such as an employment skills assessment and a referral to a settlement service provider organization in their community, are provided to immigrants arriving in Canada through this pathway.

Applications are made through the IRCC portal, and the anchor must sign a statutory declaration attesting to their support for the immigrant.