Canada May Re-Evaluate Immigration Targets- Housing Minister Sean Fraser.

September 14, 2023

Canada May Re-Evaluate Immigration Targets- Housing Minister Sean Fraser

Canada Housing Minister and former Immigration Minister Sean Fraser has indirectly pointed that the federal government may consider changes immigration levels targets.

“When we look to the future of immigration levels planning, we want to maintain ambition and immigration, but we want to better align our immigration policies with the absorptive capacity of communities that includes housing, that includes health care, that includes infrastructure,” Sean Fraser told Vassy Kapelos in an interview on CTV’s Questions.

Fraser also mentioned how the federal government has “some work to do” with its temporary immigration programs, which operate in an “uncapped way” based on demand.

Obviously this doesn’t mean This does not mean the number of newcomers need to be necessarily reduced however the federal government needs to give careful consideration to the immigration targets in consultation with other levels of governments and institutions that have “a duty to play part of a role in housing the people who come here.”

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