Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway

Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway

MPNP - Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway

The Entrepreneur Pathway forms part of the Business Investor Stream in the province. Manitoba can recruit and nominate qualified business professionals from abroad who have the intention and financial ability to move to the province and set up or buy a business or establish a partnership with an existing business in Manitoba through this route.

The Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway under MPNP is linked to the Expression of Interest (EOI) pool in the province. All the eligible applicants are allowed to create their EOI by creating an online profile, that is assigned a score on the basis of the responses received in the Self-Assessment or Self-Evaluation form, eligible candidates create their EOI.

Interim Application Process for Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway

Step 1: Self-Evaluation of Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway

Potential applicants must decide in this initial phase whether they fulfill the minimum requirements criteria for the Entrepreneur Pathway and are required to complete a Self-Assessment or Self-Evaluation Form. Prospective applicants are required to respond to the questions asked about their personal profile, such as past schooling, business experience, and personal net worth, as part of the self-assessment. Prospective applicants receive a score out of 150 on the basis of their profile while completing the self-assessment form.

Based on the following criteria, the Manitoba Self-Assessment scores the points

Age (Maximum 10 points)
Age Points
Under 25 0
25 to 30 4
31 to 35 6
36 to 45 10
46 8
47 6
48 4
49 2
over 50 0
Education (Maximum 10 points)

Prospective Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway candidates must have a degree of education that is at least equal to a Canadian high school diploma. Points are as follows for previous education

Education Points
Post-secondary degree or diploma (two-year program) 4
Post-secondary degree or diploma (three-year program or longer) 6
Master’s degree or equivalent 8
University degree at a Doctoral (PhD) level 10
None of the above 0
Business Experience (Maximum 30 points)

Under the MPNP Entrepreneur Pathway, company experience is a significant eligibility factor. In order to qualify for points under that factor, company experience must include the senior management as well as business ownership experience. No points will be awarded to applicants with middle or entry-level management experience or self-employed business ownership experience.

To be eligible to apply for the MPNP, a candidate applying for the Entrepreneur pathway must:

  • Have a minimum of three (3) years of business ownership and/or senior management experience in the past 5 years;
  • Have at least 33.33 percent (as a company owner) control of the business;
  • Count only the total years of experience by adding non-concurrent business or company ownership as well as senior management experience; and
  • Claim only the full years of experience, no rounding up of the experience is allowed.
Business owner Points
11 years or more as a business owner 30
7 to 10 years as a business owner 25
3 to 6 years as a business owner 20
Senior manager Points
7 years or more as a senior manager 10
3 to 6 years as a senior manager 5
Official Language Proficiency (Maximum 25 points)

To become eligible to apply under this stream, an applicant is required to show their language level equivalent to a minimum of CLB level 5. All the prospective candidates applying for Entrepreneur Pathway are expected to take their tests as well as provide their results from a recognised language testing organization.

MPNP only accepts only 2 years old language testing results from the below mentioned standardized language testing exams:

  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) - General module to demonstrate proficiency in English language;
  • Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) - General module to demonstrate proficiency in English language; and
  • Test d'Evaluation de Francaise (TEF) to demonstrate proficiency in French language.
Language level Points
CLB/NCLC 8 or higher 25
Investment Factors (Maximum 50 points)

All prospective applicants must show a minimum net worth of at least CAD $500,000 in order to be eligible to apply for the Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway under MPNP.

When determining the overall net worth, assets and liabilities held by the prospective candidate, a spouse or common-law partner and/or minor children are needed to be included in the self-assessment form. Based on overall net worth, a maximum of 10 points will be awarded:

Net worth Points
$500,000 to $1 Million 5
Above $1 Million to $1.5 Million 6
Above $1.5 Million to $2 Million 7
Above $2 Million to $2.5 Million 8
Above $2.5 Million to $3 Million 9
Above $3 Million 10

To be deemed eligible to apply, an entrepreneur is required to make a minimum investment of CAD $250,000 in the Manitoba Capital Region or must make a minimum investment of $150,000 in rural Manitoba. For entrepreneurial investment, a maximum of 15 points can be awarded.

Business investment Points
$200,000 – $499,999 10
$500,000-$899,000 12
$900,000 or above 15
None of the above 0
Economic Priorities

The MPNP will give up to five (5) points to an entrepreneur for the economic goals of the business proposed. Economic goals are determined by the usage of Manitoba resources, such as materials, plants and machinery, manpower and skills, on the basis of whether or not the organization is capable of adding the value to a product or service.

The company or the business will also be evaluated on the basis of its performance concerning the business cycle for each specific sector of the industry and its profit-making capability. Five (5) points will be given for economic goals if the undertaking or the business fulfills the criteria or the conditions mentioned below:

  • The business must be an export-oriented as well as a value-added active enterprise or business having recurring operations in the province of Manitoba, or
  • The location of the business or the succession must be outside the capital city of Manitoba.
Business Research Visit to Manitoba

For their business research visit, individuals interested in forming a company in Manitoba will be rewarded up to 20 points. The business visit is an important part of the business strategy and enables the entrepreneur to carry an in-depth research on their potential investment or idea for a business.

The business visit needs to be made less than or equal to one year prior to the MPNP receiving the business plan. The points for business visits are based on the following:

  • If the entrepreneur has visited Manitoba for a minimum of five consecutive days and have carried out the related business, 10 points will be awarded to him or her; however;
  • If the entrepreneur has undertaken an extended Business Study Visit to Manitoba (must have spent a minimum of 10 consecutive days in Manitoba and have performed comprehensive relevant business as well as research related to lifestyle in Manitoba during the visit), he or she becomes entitled to receive the maximum of 20 points.
Adaptability Factors (Maximum 25 points)

Points are awarded to entrepreneurial candidates who show closer relations with Manitoba, which could increase the likelihood of provincial integration.

In Manitoba, applicants with close relatives, a spouse/common-law partner with language skills, and children studying in Manitoba are given a maximum of 25 points. The following table explains how points for adaptability are awarded:

Adaptability factor Points
Applicant’s spouse /common-law partner has CLB /NCLC 5 or above 10
Applicant’s spouse /common-law partner has CLB /NCLC 5 or above in Canada’s Second Official Language 10
Applicant has a close relative currently residing in Manitoba for more than one year. The following are identified as close relatives: A sister/brother, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, parent, grandparent or first cousin who is also a Citizen or a Permanent Resident of Canada. 5
Applicant has a child enrolled in an accredited Manitoba educational institution at least six months prior to the date of submission of EOI and is actively pursuing academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis. 5
Applicant’s accompanying spouse/common-law partner completed a program of full-time study for at least one year at a post-secondary educational institution in Manitoba. The applicant or his or her accompanying spouse or common-law partner must have done this after they have turned 18 years old and with a valid study permit; and/or

Applicant’s accompanying spouse /common-law partner completed at least six months of continuous full-time employment in Manitoba.

Step 2: Research and Explore various Business Concepts in Manitoba

The MPNP invites business applicants to visit Manitoba and attend business seminars conducted by the Immigration and Economic Opportunities Division’s Business Consulting Unit (BCU). Prior to obtaining an invitation to apply for the Entrepreneur Pathway, the prospective applicant is expected to complete and submit a business plan. The entrepreneur needs to fill the following details in the business concept form:

  • Describe the Manitoba market opportunity based on your research
  • Describe the analysis that made him or her perceive the company as a viable opportunity
  • Describe how this business opportunity can be created through his or her history, training, and experience.
  • Describe the expected investment as well as the financial status.
  • Describe how the product and/or service will be sold and consider the competitive advantage of the organization over other rivals.
  • Outline essential criteria for services, such as locations, specialist equipment, manufacturers, distributors, key staff and technology involvement.
  • Describe implementation timelines that takes into account an early relayed business establishment possibilities
  • To resolve these risks, identify important risk factors and clarify risk management strategies
  • Describe the additional studies needed to finalize the business plan; and
  • Describe in depth how the company can continue to contribute to the economic development of Manitoba with the amount of jobs that the company is projected to generate and sustain in its first year of service.

It is important to remember that an application to the MPNP is not the submission of a business idea.

Step 3: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)

With full market analysis, the prospective applicant for Entrepreneur Pathway shall apply to the MPNP by submitting the following forms.

  • Business Concept Form;
  • Self-Assessment Form; and
  • Immigration Representatives’ Code of Conduct. (Only if applicable)

The MPNP will reply by email to EOIs and individuals who do not satisfy the Entrepreneur Pathway’s minimum eligibility requirements will not have their business idea checked.

Step 4: Submit a Complete Application

The MPNP will submit an official Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) if the entrepreneur meets the minimum requirements and the business idea is accepted.

The application directions must be followed and all the documentation specified in the Document Checklist should be given. The applicant will be needed by one of the two reputed third-party service providers to evaluate the net worth and source of funds.

The applicant has 120 days from the date of receipt of the LAA to apply to the MPNP via a full electronic application kit, including a CAD $2,500 non-refundable application processing fee. The MPNP will not consider applications on paper. All documents on the checklist, a copy of the Third Party Verified Report as well as an extensive Business Plan are included in the full application kit.

Step 5: Application Assessment

An invitation for an in-person interview may be included in the application evaluation. The MPNP will send a Procedural Fairness Letter (PFL) to the applicant, whose evaluation raises questions, before an official rejection is given. The PFL enables applicants to resolve all the concerns raised by MPNP before an official rejection is given.

The applicant will be asked to sign a Business Performance Agreement (BPA), which will serve as a contractual agreement between the applicant and the MPNP, as part of the approval process.

The MPNP issues the entrepreneur a Letter of Support until the BPA is signed. The Letter of Support must be included in the application to IRCC for a Temporary Work Permit.

Step 6: Carrying on the Business Operations in Manitoba

An entrepreneur may be expected to provide frequent reports on the performance of the company and the MPNP will be involved in monitoring the activities of the business establishment to check whether the terms and conditions of the BPA are met or not, such as the timetable stated in the BPA, terms of reporting, etc.

The business applicant may schedule appointments with the BCU for assistance, input and guidance on successfully establishing the company and obtaining support services for business settlement as required.

Step 7: Receive a MPNP nomination

A provincial nomination certificate from the Government of Manitoba shall be received by an entrepreneur applicant who has successfully fulfilled the terms and conditions of the BP. The entrepreneur will apply to the IRCC for Canadian permanent resident status with this nomination certificate.

Manitoba Entrepreneur Pathway Eligibility Criteria

Criterion Minimum Requirement
Business Experience Minimum three out of five years experience as an active business owner or senior management in a successful business.

Business owners are given higher points in comparison to senior managers.

Business owners must have at least 33 1/3% ownership to qualify for points.

Official Languages Proficiency Minimum CLB 5.
Education Minimum Canadian high school certificate equivalent.
Age No minimum or maximum age; however, ranking points are allocated to candidates 25 to 49 years of age.
Business Investment Minimum investment is $250,000 for businesses located in the Manitoba Capital Region.

Minimum investment is $150,000 if a business is located outside of the Manitoba Capital Region.

Business investment must be made in an eligible business as defined by the MPNP.

The proposed business must create or maintain at least one job for a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident in Manitoba (excluding owners of the business and/or their close relatives).

Business Research Visit A Business plan is required and is an important part of the application.

A Business Research Visit allows the applicant to conduct extensive research on their future business investment or proposal.

The Business Research Visit must be conducted no more than one year prior to the submission of an EOI.

Adaptability Points will be allocated if:

  • Applicants’ spouses have CLB 5 or higher.
  • Applicants or spouses have CLB 5 or higher in the second official language.
  • Applicant or spouse or common-law partner have a close relative currently residing in Manitoba for more than one year.
  • Applicant has a child enrolled in an accredited Manitoba educational institution and is actively pursuing academic, professional or vocational training on a full-time basis for at least six months prior to the date of submission of EOI; and/or
  • Applicant or accompanying spouse or common-law partner have completed a program of full-time study for at least one year at a post-secondary institution in Manitoba. An applicant or his or her accompanying spouse or common-law partner must have done this after applicant turned 17 years old and holds a valid study permit.
  • Applicant or accompanying spouse or common-law partner have completed at least six months of continuous full-time employment in Manitoba. A letter of reference from the employer and a copy of the work permit must be provided.
Net Worth Minimum of $500,000

Personal net worth will be verified by a third-party supplier approved by the MPNP. A verification report, along with the application, must be submitted to the MPNP within 120 days of receiving a Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA).

Business Performance Agreement After an application is approved, a Business Performance Agreement (BPA) must be signed prior to the MPNP issuing an applicant a letter of support for applying for a work permit.