


Business and Investor Program

Canada is one of those amazing countries that offers exquisite opportunities to all the foreign individuals who wish to start their business in Canada. Plenty of ambitious business-minded people migrate to Canada every year, so what’s stopping you to be one of them? Whether you’re eyeing the best businesses in Canada or exploring various business ideas in Canada, there’s a lot of opportunity to succeed and grow.

The prime motive behind starting the Business Immigration Program in Canada is to increase the level of employment as well as encourage the investors to invest more in Business in Canada so as to grow the Canadian economy.


Categories of Canadian Business Visas

Any foreign individual with high net-worth and have a good business or managerial experience can apply for a Canadian PR under Canada Business Immigration Program in any of the following categories



Self Employed Persons

PNP Business Programs


1. Start-Up Visa Investor Program

If you are thinking of moving permanently to Canada as an investor, the general Start-Up Visa program is the best option for you to apply under. You will only be required to fulfil some listed requirements to get your application approved. Your mindset must be innovative and creative, your business must create jobs for the citizens of Canada and must be able to compete with other businesses across the world.

Requirements To Be Met:

To qualify, applicants must:

  • Own a valid and/or eligible business.
  • Fulfill the Language proficiency in both English as well as French (CBL5).
  • Obtain the Supporting letter from any of the reputed institutions (Get a minimal funding commitment of $200,000 CDN from any of the reputed Venture Capital Organization, $75,000 CDN from any of the valid or eligible Angel Investors).
  • Carry sufficient amounts of money to get settled in Canada.


2. Entrepreneur Program.

The Entrepreneur Program is a specially designed immigration stream by Canada to encourage more entrepreneurs to come, create employment opportunities in Canada and contribute actively to the Canadian Economy. All the applicants who meet all the requirements in the criteria successfully become eligible to open their business in Canada and also obtain Canadian Permanent Resident status.

Requirements To Be Met:

To qualify, applicants must:

  • Establish a new business, or purchase any existing business or substantially invest in an existing business in Canada within the period of 24 months from the date of arrival in Canada.
  • Actively participate in all the ongoing management activities of the business.
  • Employ a minimum of one Permanent Resident of Canada or any Canadian citizen other than the entrepreneur as well as his/her dependents.
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3. Self-Employed Persons Program.

The Self-Employed Persons Program offers a unique opportunity for individuals seeking self-employed immigration Canada to establish or acquire a business in the country. This self-employment scheme is tailored for entrepreneurs who are eager to make a substantial contribution to the Canadian economy while enriching its cultural and artistic landscape. By using their skills and ideas, applicants can not only launch their own businesses, but also make a real difference in the lively fabric of Canadian society.

Requirements To Be Met:

To qualify, applicants must:

  • Possess the relevant business experience (minimum of 2 out of past 5 years).
  • Be willing to work as self-employed in Canada.
  • Fulfil the selection criteria of the program and obtain a minimum of 35 points.
  • Fulfil all the medical as well as security and other listed conditions.

Selection Criteria Will Be Based On:

  • Experience
  • Education
  • Age
  • Language abilities
  • Adaptability


4. Business PNP Programs.

You can also apply for Canada Business Visa under various PNP programs in Canada:



  • $600,000 CAD net-worth,
  • 3 years of business or managerial experience,
  • Invest a minimum of $200,000 CAD
  • Create a minimum of 1 full time job offer for any Canadian PR or citizen.

Criteria: The location of the business must be inside of any community with less than 75,000 population in British Columbia Province.

Entrepreneur Pathway Program


  • A minimal investment of $250,000 CAD,
  • Minimum net-worth of $500,000 CAD
  • Must have at least 3 years of business ownership or managerial experience.

Farm Investor


  • A minimum investment of $300,000 CAD,
  • Minimum net-worth of $500,000 CAD,
  • Must have a minimum of 3 years of Farm ownership or managing the Farm operations experience.

Northwest Territory Business Stream


  • A minimum net-worth of $500,000 CAD (if you are willing to stay outside of Yellowknife then you require only $250,000 CAD),
  • A minimal investment of $300,000 CAD (If you are willing to stay outside of yellowknife then investment must be only $150,000 CAD),
  • A minimum of 3 years of business ownership or managerial experience.



  • A minimum net-worth of $600,000 CAD
  • A minimal investment of $250,000 CAD,
  • A minimum of 3 years of business ownership or managerial experience.



  • A minimum net-worth of $600,000 CAD,
  • A minimum investment of $150,000 CAD,
  • A minimum of 3 years of business ownership or managerial experience.



  • A minimum net-worth of $800,000 CAD (outside the Greater Toronto Area {GTA} requirement is only $400,000 CAD),
  • A minimum investment of $600,000 CAD (outside the Greater Toronto Area {GTA} requirement is only $200,000 CAD)
  • Must offer a minimum of 2 full time job positions (outside the Greater Toronto Area {GTA} requirement is only 1 full time job position)
  • If the business belongs to the ICT or Digital Communications Sector then the minimum net worth must be $400,000 CAD whereas minimum investment must be $200,000 CAD.



  • If it’s an international corporation, it requires to be established for a minimum of 3 years.
  • The new corporate office must be related to the parent corporation overseas as well as with the new business in Ontario.
  • The new and active business must be the primary source of income in Ontario, Canada.
  • The new corporation is required to make a minimum investment of $5million CAD for expansion of the business in Ontario.
  • The new corporation must generate 5 new job offers for the local Canadian PR or citizens.

Business Work Permit Stream


  • A minimum net-worth must be $600,000 CAD.
  • Must obtain the community endorsement.

Quebec Entrepreneur Program


  • A minimum of net-worth must be $900,000 CAD,
  • A minimum of the start-up deposit must be $200,000 CAD (Inside Montreal the requirement is $300,000 CAD).

Quebec Investor Program

This program is currently closed since November 2019.

  • A minimum of net-worth must be $2million CAD
  • A minimum investment of $1.2million CAD, 5-year term investment

Entrepreneur Farm Program


  • A minimum net-worth must be $500,000 CAD (If an applicant is under 40 years of age then requirement is $300,000 CAD),
  • A minimum agreement cash deposit must be $75,000 CAD (You’ll get the deposit money back once the agreement gets finished),
  • A minimum experience of 3 years in managing a farm.

Entrepreneur Program


  • A minimum net-worth must be $500,000 CAD,
  • A minimum of 3 years of business ownership or managerial experience,
  • A minimum investment must be $300,000 CAD, invested in Regina & Saskatoon (For all the other areas the requirement is only $200,000 CAD).


If an applicant successfully qualifies the criteria and fulfills all the requirements, he/she is entitled to get a work permit and also will be required to invest the sum of money mentioned above within the period of 1 to 2 years. Once the process of job creation gets finished then the applicant becomes eligible to apply for the Canadian Permanent Residency.

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